Farmer Deb
Deb has been obsessed with food for as long as she can remember. She was always known for bringing bags of veggies to school for lunch. Her first idea of rebellion as a teenager was to get an “Eat Your Veggies” tattoo (she didn’t do it-but it’s still a dream)!
She received a degree in Biology at Whitman College, fell in love with bees and studied pollination behavior and small scale agriculture.
After college, she worked in Outdoor Education and began to think more about where her food came from. Shopping at grocery stores started to feel overwhelming as she tried to decipher labels and make more informed choices. Buying Organic became a priority but was very expensive for a young traveling person. Then she discovered Willing Workers on Organic Farms (WWOOF) and decided to volunteer on a small family farm for the summer.
Her life changed forever after that. She continued working on farms for the next 5 years as an intern, then as a farm manager. From New Mexico to Colorado, North Carolina to Washington, she continued to devour knowledge and experiences wherever she could, with the ultimate goal of starting her own farm.
She and Graham moved to Wenatchee in 2012 and founded Radix Farm in 2015. Now, the focus is on growing a diversity of annual vegetables and planting perennial gardens. She is also developing educational opportunities to expand Radix Farm’s reach into the young Wenatchee community and help grow awesome leaders for our future.

Farmer Graham
Graham received a degree in Chemistry and Geology at Whitman College and has always had a passion for the natural world. An avid biker, hiker, and climber, he took his skills on the road and spent the next 6 years teaching leadership through adventure at wilderness therapy programs and Outward Bound.
With his unique skills and passion for youth, he went back to school and got a Masters in Teaching at UW. He started his teaching career at Wenatchee High School and is now at Westside High School, where he teaches science as well as how to be an awesome human.
In all their years traveling and working seasonal jobs, Graham would spend his time off working on whatever farm Deb was on. He too has a passion for good, clean, healthy food and took every opportunity to learn about how to grow vegetables. Now, as a high school science teacher, he has the summers off and is Deb’s go-to-guy on the farm. He builds, weeds, and generally keeps morale up even when the temperatures are soaring. And he is really good at picking green beans!