Farm gatherings, work parties, U-Pick opportunities…Radix Farm is a bustling community full of food lovers of all ages. Radix Farm would not exist without our amazing and supportive friends.
U-Pick and Farm Pick-up
U-Pick opportunities abound for CSA members. Come out to the farm and fill your baskets with peas, cherry tomatoes, hot peppers, flowers and other items available at farmer discretion.
Not a CSA member? Our vegetables are available for sale on the farm any day we are here. Just give us a call to see what is available!

There are many opportunities for learning at Radix Farm! Sustainable Agriculture students from Wenatchee Valley College and students from Skill Source come out each year and learn about organic vegetable production, getting their hands dirty, helping with planting, weeding, and harvesting.
We partner with Joyful Scholars Montessori School in Wenatchee. The students have learned about where food comes from by helping with harvests. They have been introduced to the world of beekeeping and met amazing insects, both friends and foe of the garden. They have also helped glean produce for our local food banks!

Building Projects
Some projects we’ve done include building a strawbale cooler with more than 30 helping hands. Stacking bales, mixing cob, spreading plaster, and spreading more plaster…it was a labor of love. Now our veggies have a safe place out of the hot sun!
Building our greenhouse and high tunnel. These structures help us grow our own vegetable starts and extend our growing season to provide our customers with fresh veggies for as many months as possible! Delicious food, plenty of thirst quenching beverages, and good company make the work go easy(ier)!

We also have workshops! Interested in canning tomato soup or salsa? Want to braid garlic? Join our CSA and become a part of our food loving community! Keep an eye out on our events page for information on how to participate in our fun community building classes.